

Alps Residence Holidayservice GmbH
Kirchberger Straße 60
6370 Kitzbühel

Phone: +43 5332 207 03

VAT number: ATU66524647

Company number: 364057d
Registry court: Landesgericht Innsbruck

Profession / object: Reisebüros

Issuing state: Austria

Supervisory authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Kitzbühel

Chamber: Wirtschaftskammer Tirol

Rules of professional conduct:

All content has been carefully edited. Nonetheless, no guarantee can be given for the accuracy, comprehensiveness and/or topicality of the information presented.

All texts, graphics and pictures are protected under copyright; any use thereof is only permitted with the expressed consent of Alps Residence Holidayservice GmbH.

Concept, Design & Technical Development
Planreal Kreativ GmbH / Griesgasse 59/4 / 5580 Tamsweg / /

Picture Credits
ALPS RESORTS, Cengarle Group, iStock, Tomas Group

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